Jumat, 04 November 2011
Wedding Photography on DVD
Author: Kurniawan
| Posted at: 02.04 |
Filed Under:
wedding album,
wedding photography

More wedding photographers are now providing full resolution and custom retouched JPEG on DVD with full copyright release. But getting your precious wedding photos on DVD is such a great idea?
Some people, including several professional photographers, I believe DVD can hold data for up to 8-10 years at best. It's probably pretty accurate for most standard DVDs, consumer class. However, for archiving important files, gold archival DVD's are available that can keep precious photos and other files in the archive of more than 100 years. May you find a supplier of gold archival DVD with this simple search term in all the popular search engines. As the time of this writing, gold archival DVDs cost about $ 2.50 each. It's also good to know that there are Blu-ray discs for high definition wedding video that can be expected to hold the video for more than 200 years, as well. For those photographers who are not so sure if the gold archival DVD will keep the wedding photos for many decades, I remind them, gold is inert and does not oxidize. At the very least, it is reasonable to expect, and I believe 24 karat gold wrapped in a scratch-resistant coating should be more archival than conventional photo paper and chemical processes that can put a wedding picture on top of a sheet of paper! However, there are some photographers who want the bride to believe the chemical process of putting pictures on top of the conventional photo paper is more archival than 24 karat gold, which was enveloped in a coating that resists scratches!
Brides who retain a professional wedding photographer who will provide her wedding photos to DVD want to make sure the photographer uses a gold archival DVD. Some professional photographers, including myself, would provide a gold archival DVD at slightly higher cost. Brides who do not want to pay a higher price for gold archival DVD know they will just use a standard DVD as a medium through which to gain a wedding images for archiving on electronic storage media in its various forms. The DVD is simply a portable temporary medium of exchange of these images with others copying and printing.
Brides who retain a professional wedding photographer who will provide her wedding photos to DVD want to make sure the photographer uses a gold archival DVD. Some professional photographers, including myself, would provide a gold archival DVD at slightly higher cost. Brides who do not want to pay a higher price for gold archival DVD know they will just use a standard DVD as a medium through which to gain a wedding images for archiving on electronic storage media in its various forms. The DVD is simply a portable temporary medium of exchange of these images with others copying and printing.
The first thing you'll notice what distinguishes these two photographers, photographer wedding DVD is not contractually obligated the buyer to the wedding album at the time of signing the contract vjenčanja.DVD-photographer prefers to make the customer first view their wedding photos. Once a client has viewed her photographs, selected her favorite horizontal, vertical, and of different sizes, it may be easier to determine the bride's wedding album will actually need it to suit specific needs and tastes. Album is a package of photographs, on the other hand, has obliged the bride for some pre-designed album package before the young were seen on all images. While it makes business sense and must be required by the photographer album package, it is solely self-interest of photographers and shows no concern for the best interest of the bride.
the second most distinguishing difference is that the DVD-bride a wedding photographer gets easily worth the full DVD resolution, custom retouched and full copyright released images. This advantage is even on the table from the album package photographers. A list of what practical use DVD gives the bride a wedding!
1 Cropping, retouching, photo tilting, blowing-up and other creative photo manipulation and control as the desire for their photo album, and (e ).
2 If a photographer she is retiring, moving out of state, going, going out of business, the business suffers a disaster or whatever, the bride is her wedding pictures! It was them!
3 If the bride's wedding album gets lost, damaged or stolen, it can always be easy to have another new album because she has created her own wedding DVD.
4 It does not have to pay a middle man fee photographer for prints done. They can send their photos from her DVDs on your favorite online or local photo lab for printing direct to the lab now. Of course, we all know that the album package photographers can certainly have a middle man fee tacked on printing and album prices!
5 Most, though not all, the album package photographers require the bride and groom at the album that within 30-60 days after the date of the wedding. It can often be an inconvenience for the new couple just starting out, and who make arrangements to get their new life together in the organization. Some photographers will not rush the bride and groom through this process and it is really not the best way to make sure the bride receives a wedding album she will ljubav.DVD-photographer does not require the purchase of a wedding album. If the bride wants to order the DVDs, a photographer, she can do on her practicality, her schedule when she is ready. It can order the album if she chooses to any of the dozens of online album services. It was her decision to do what she believes is best.
6 Depending on the marriage contract, with a DVD wedding photographer, the bride does not have to pay for an album that can be lost if it has to cancel her original date vjenčanja.Samo non-refundable fee is a wedding photographer, DVD availability date for the holder. Any and all other money paid to a contract photographer returns to DVD in case of a wedding date has been canceled or rescheduled.
There are other inherent differences between the DVD wedding album package photographers and wedding photographers, but these differences vary in how both types of photographers to choose these issues in both their policies and contracts. It is beyond the scope of this article for me to address.
reluctance of so many photographers album package now accept DVD photographer business model reminds me of the same reluctance to switch to digital photography from the film. So the album package photographers were originally film photography. There were many of them years before they switch to a digital camera. Now that most of them have switched to digital photography, they still have the mentality of many years of industry putting their profits largely on photos and photo albums they sell. In this case, they want to keep a "digital negative" and full copyright ownership and to collect the arms and legs photos and albums. But this old philosophy of price does not take into account the inherent differences between digital photography and film photography as well as the benefits relating to each consumer, and even a professional photographer.
There are many reasons why the album package photographers still keep the old business model. I'm not sure, but I think it is mainly due to photo labs and album companies that continuously provide programs and incentives to photographers thinking in terms of putting their money in photographs and albums. Otherwise, there would be a dramatic reduction in business for professional photo labs and album companies. So, photo labs and album companies have many reasons to photographers thinking in terms of setting up large profits on prints and albums.
But when it comes to digital photography, there are an increasing number of photographers who believe that we can provide better and more efficient services and products to our customers through a variety of business approach. Instead of prices photo albums and photos at high enough prices to collect the necessary to our bottom line, we instead that the price of our wedding photography skills and full resolution, retouched and custom JPEG at rates necessary to collect our profits. Unlike film negatives that are useful only for printing photos from our JPEG are immediately visible and pleasing "as is" right out of our cameras. Since wedding photography Clients May be used JPEG in various ways to include digital magazine style wedding album and a very sophisticated slide shows set to music, our "digital negatives" are in fact more marketable or desirable photographic products than photos, wedding albums are used. With all of today's digital devices, including a 50 "plasma monitors plus, being able to see your image as a sophisticated wedding day slide show set to music is often more comfortable than the modern bride flipping through photos in a little book.
When it comes to pricing our photo quality images, there are several basic approaches. First, a larger JPEG, the higher the price per JPEG. Second, some photographers to sell their quality of JPEG images in a quantity-quality JPEG photo popuste.Više bride buys, the lower the price per JPEG. Also, some photographers do not give a full release of copyright and they certainly will not transfer copyright ownership under any circumstances. However, some work and trying to gain and then only after a certain minimum number of JPEG are also kupili.Ideja behind this approach is cost: We are a professional digital photographers are selling our real work, we are what sells the vast majority of electronic media savvy customers are actually want to have - the digital negatives. Finally, we are still getting paid, and handsomely for it!
Now, if and when a customer wants to buy photos and albums, she can do at any time after her wedding day. I still can order photos and albums from your photographer or any of the many labs and album companies to internetu.Izbor her.
This article is in no way intended to convince the photographer album package to switch to DVD-wedding photographer's business model. (I do not want additional competition). I'm just hoping to explain why many of us have adopted this approach. I know that this approach working digital wedding photography business is not for everyone. Especially those photographers who feel they are losing money in May of additional sales and album art if you give up the full-resolution images and copyright. This is a very good point in theory. And sometimes it's practically a fact. I have operated my business in both directions over the years. For me, I personally feel the benefits to my clients and my reputation far exceeds the loss of some extra income. Instead, prefer more money to serve more customers rather than trying to get more sales from one customer.
In conclusion, there are many advantages for both the digital photographer and the bride when the photographer is simply offering a full resolution, copyright released wedding images on DVD bride.
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