Jumat, 04 November 2011

Pass That Interview - Preparation

job interview preparation

The old adage "do not prepare, prepare to fail" was never truer than in an interview situation. In my experience, thorough and focused preparation will be a candidate for more than 50% to a job offer before they even walk into an interview. Follow the advice below to ensure a comprehensive ready.

company research - Look for your prospective employer on the web. Do not focus too much on the facts and figures (number of employees, turnover, etc.), as these are largely irrelevant to the individual employee level. What is the firm position in the market sector, they are the largest and fastest growing? Are they "investor in people"? What is their position on the staff training and development? Most organizations these days have a "corporate ethos" or "mission". It is important that you are aware of it and can repeat or paraphrase (not to recite parrot fashion). When the opportunity arises, you should refer to it in their answers. Focus on the positive, if the company is also looking at creating monopolies commission or loss is not productive to mention.

Know your CV (or resume) - SUMMARY (or more in depth dissection) of your CV is very likely to be a conversation piece. Best practice is to "re-focus" or tailor your resume to meet the job and it requires a detailed knowledge of the finished product. Do not worry about dates or line manager, the names of so many, but keep in mind the relevant responsibilities / skills / tasks of each role and be prepared to answer questions accordingly.

Visualization - It is very important: The image is in the interview confidently answer questions (10 minutes or so), every night for three nights before the interview. It is unlikely that you'll know what your talking seem to include any real or a composite authority in their visualization. This technique will not prepare you for the content of the conversation, but it will go a long way toward calming the nerves of the day and put you in a more positive frame of mind about the whole experience. See the section Fielding questions (see below ).

Visualization - It is very important: The image is in the interview confidently answer questions (10 minutes or so), every night for three nights before the interview. It is unlikely that you'll know what your talking seem to include any real or a composite authority in their visualization. This technique will not prepare you for the content of the conversation, but it will go a long way toward calming the nerves of the day and put you in a more positive frame of mind about the whole experience. See the section Fielding questions (see below ).


Visualization - It is very important: The image is in the interview confidently answer questions (10 minutes or so), every night for three nights before the interview. It is unlikely that you'll know what your talking seem to include any real or a composite authority in their visualization. This technique will not prepare you for the content of the conversation, but it will go a long way toward calming the nerves of the day and put you in a more positive frame of mind about the whole experience. See the section Fielding questions (see below ).


Visualization - It is very important: The image is in the interview confidently answer questions (10 minutes or so), every night for three nights before the interview. It is unlikely that you'll know what your talking seem to include any real or a composite authority in their visualization. This technique will not prepare you for the content of the conversation, but it will go a long way toward calming the nerves of the day and put you in a more positive frame of mind about the whole experience. See the section Fielding questions (see below ).


Job Description Analysis - Look back at the job description and link aspects of your own experience kriterijima.Opis jobs will come at least part of one (or more) of the interviewer / panel (there could be significant and generally unhelpful HR entrance). Be sure to refer to any requirement in the description to make your experience (eg, "candidates must have strong man management skills" - look for the role of biography in which they are involved directly managing other, more recent the better). Insert this correlation in their interview responses where appropriate (eg, "because you will know from my CV when I was at Smith & Sons I line manager in a team of 14 who was aspect of the position I enjoyed"). This implied understanding that they are thoroughly studied your resume (probably) is flattering to talk / panel as they are assumed to be conscientious and professional in their approach to filling the position.

- Shirt-white (usually with no texture or patterns)
- Tie-blue or green (as a positive color) and unfussy
- Tie-blue or green (as a positive color) and unfussy...
- Tie-blue or green (as a positive color) and unfussy...
- Tie-blue or green (as a positive color) and unfussy...

differ from the above only if it seriously conflicts with the eye / skin / hair coloring, and then keep in mind unremarkable and professional aspekt.Intervju is not about his clothes, it's about you.

Suit-Mid to dark gray (jacket and skirt length is appropriate for the age and shape, but remember that the goal of "conservative".)
Top / Blouse-White (plain, no textures or patterns). It is not low cut.
Shoes-no bright colors, unscuffed ("conservative" heel height)
Jewelry-Wedding and / or wedding ring and watch or bracelet. Light chain with a discrete pendant. Quiet earrings, similar to people without too much bling (this will only distract interviewers from their responses). - NB

again differ from the above only if it seriously conflicts with the eye / skin / hair coloring, and then keep in mind unremarkable and professional aspekt.Intervju is not about his clothes, it's about you.

Buy and try on your suit in advance to make sure that you are happy and comfortable in it, buy two identical shirts / tops in the event of an accident on the way to the interview (ketchup stains are not a good look!). Try on your outfit in front of a full length mirror, walking towards him with an outstretched hand, smiling, see themselves as interviewers will see you. On this basis it would be necessary to adjust your attitude and dress. You always have the jacket buttoned during the interview (if the three buttons two is fine). The men-always his top shirt button done and neat tie the knot (if it is uncomfortable to try a half size larger shirt). This May seem too fussy, but these data will be observed and absorbed unconsciously by the interviewer / panel.

Interview time - if given a choice interview slots still available for the last or the last day. Following the advice given here will give you an advantage, but fresh in the minds of the interviewers will not hurt. I am, of course, been offered jobs after the first speaker on the day, but this advice comes from my experience as a conversation discussing the candidates at the end procesa.Prvi one or two interviews tend to become the template used by interviewers conduct meetings with the applicant's subsequent requirements, it is positive for you because of your preparation will leave you more confident in their answers of "caught on the back foot," one of the early candidates.

On the day - if the interview is more than an hour's drive to stay locally the night before (this is also true if you fly). If your trip is less than one hour twice normal travel time. If possible, drive to the interview place for some time before the interview to make sure they know where to go. Check in at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time and review inventory questions and answers, read your resume, make their appearance (a wet-wipe and tissues in the car to clean the stickiness or moisture from the "shake hands" and a bottle of mouthwash for a quick rinse) and the final visualization session. If you are driving, hang a suit jacket on a hanger in the car and put it on just before the interview. Present themselves at reception 5-10 minutes before the interview slot and politely reject the offer of coffee, etc. You can not spill what you do not have any nervous and shaking all the more apparent when holding a cup or glass. They have several printed copies of your CV in a folder or a thin transparent plastic sleeve (holds something that will seem less awkward). If you wait until you read this, and not sit there staring into space.

Dealing with interview nerves - visualization (see above) should go a long way to calming the anxieties of those perfectly natural. Being confident in your appearance will also add to your positive raspoloženje.Stupanj anxiety can be positive in the sense that it gets the adrenalin flowing and sharpens responses and it is expected and allowed for (to a reasonable extent) by the interviewer / panel. However, if you are still overly concerned about the minutes before the meeting to implement the following steps: Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. During the first "out" breath to see themselves shaking hands and (smiling) is introduced into the interviewer / panel. During the second "out" breath sees himself (smiling) thanks to an interview / panel for their time and alternative, and for about 12 breaths (that's about a minute "at rest" breathing). Do it in 5 minutes to spare as it can do a little too relaxed (there is a danger that this can come for an interview / panel as arrogance or "not to bother," it is obviously not good), but we must bear in mind the positive level nervousness mentioned above. If you get this balance right will shine, but it can be difficult to achieve without experience, and aim for the "normal plus" to his normal self after a double espresso.

Stock Questions and Answers - Some questions are likely to occur and you should have pre-prepared answers for this. You should not sound rehearsed but your response should begin with a "pause for reflection", while searching for memories of his professional life:

What can you bring to Acme Inc.?

Why do you want to work for Acme Inc.?

How do you see your career progress / where you want to be (careerwise) x years?

What are your career achievements / What do you consider your greatest career achievement to date?

Give an example of a situation in which:

most of these are listed below. Do you have a response prepared for each. If you can not find a real life example, try "creative remembers' the incident or event that corresponds to your account.

(i) You overcome obstacles to complete the task / project / goal achieved.
(ii) resolved conflict situation
(iii) you introduced / implemented changes for the better or improve the company you worked for / s.
(iv) improved communication / collaboration among colleagues / Departments / companies.

Why did you leave / want to leave Smith and Sons?

Would you describe yourself as go-getting/dynamic/cautious/thorough etc?

Good luck!

Robin Cavendish 2010th

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