Jumat, 04 November 2011

Being A Wedding MC - Top Tips For Introducing The Speakers

wedding MC is the master of ceremonies at a wedding. Think of him or her as a puppet master who pulls the strings, who makes things dogoditi.Glavna duty at a wedding emcee is to provide flowing wedding.
As a wedding MC you will be responsible for introducing the speakers, leading applause for each speaker and provide a transition to the next speaker. And during the wedding reception you will, as a wedding MC, provide a link from one event to another.
to be a success as a wedding MC, here are some top tips in mind when introducing the speakers.
Tip # 1: a good introduction is always short,
Tip # 2: Make sure you correctly pronounce the name of each speaker you need to know,
Tip # 3: we know little about each speaker,
Tip # 4: never overshadow the speaker, and
Tip # 5: Remember you are not stand-up comic. Never tell risque jokes, or mother-in-law jokes or stories about the previous relationship the bride or groom may have. It is always advisable to ask the bride and groom what type of humor they want.
Generally, a lecturer at the event was never sure of the reaction they will get from your audience. Will it be friendly or hostile? As a wedding MC prednost.Svadba have one big party and all guests are on your side. They are friendly and want to, just like you, the wedding will be a great party enjoyed by all.
to prepare for his role as a wedding MC and you'll be fine. And remember, this is the live events and things that can go wrong. So be prepared for the unexpected to happen too.

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